Values define the nature and character of all we do and they undergird all we do, determining the shape of our ministries and the way we treat people.
Our commitment is to stand on the foundation of historic Christianity, solidly rooted in Scripture and the Trinitarian nature of loving God.
We have a stable and strong staff, all tested by years of ministry and proven fruit. Get to know them starting here!
Come as you are
Walking through our doors we want you to feel as comfortable as possible. It is our wish that you will feel free to be yourself at New Song. Dress down as much as you like or dress up, although the general attire is jeans and casual wear from leadership to people in the seats.
Worship at New Song is unique and extended. We seek the presence of the Holy Spirit until we sense breakthrough. We expect sovereign miracles of God and we have often seen them. On occasion there may be laughter, falling under the power of God, weeping and other responses to the powerful presence of God.
Preaching at New Song is always from the loving heart of the Father, rooted in the cross and resurrection and solidly scriptural, yet uncompromising and hard-hitting when needed. Most Sundays preaching will be followed by times of ministry through teams of people trained to serve in love without hype or manipulation but in the gentle heart of the Father.
In the summer of 1992 Pastors Loren and Beth held seven midweek meetings for a small group of people, by invitation only, to explore whether God might be calling a people together and to establish the values that would be our guiding principles. Our first open service of worship was held the first Sunday in October that year. God's favor rested on us from the beginning and after just one week meeting in a school, we moved into a leased church facility at 69th and Sheridan. Before the end of that year we were already a multi-staff congregation. We moved twice more before ending up at our current location at 8242 Pecos Street in July, 1997.
Although the majority of us came out of the Vineyard movement, God led us not to affiliate there. We deeply respect the Vineyard and all that it gave us, but the Lord made it clear that we had another path to pursue. When the Toronto Revival broke out in 1994, the power of what God was doing drew our attention. By 1996 we had affiliated with Partners in Harvest, the church family that grew out of that outpouring and has spread around the world. Pastor Loren became a regional coordinator and served in that capacity from 1996 until 2013 when the Lord once more called us to a different path. We remain friends with Partners in Harvest and Pastor Loren continues to minister in PIH churches internationally.
New Song has been and remains a place of the Presence of God, freedom and the realization of dreams. Many have found their destiny and purpose in the Lord here. We hope you find yours and that we get to be a part of it!